Camera Logger App


Project Tab:

  1. Click + icon to make a create a new Production/Project
  2. Click on any production to edit it.
  3. The Mail Icon mails the currently selected (highlighted in RED) production.

Add/Edit Production Screen:

  1. Add your production Data.
  2. [Production Name, Director, and DP] are required to save the production.
  3. Click the little + icon to add a log.
  4. The number of current logs you have is displayed on top and clickable to view them all.

View/Edit All Log Data:

  1. This screen shows you all the log data.
  2. Click on any log to edit.
  3. Click on the + icon to add a new Log.

Add/Edit Log Screen:

  1. Add your Log Data.
  2. [Scene and Take] Fields are required to save the Log.

Settings Tab:

  • Not every field is necesary to view in the production/log.
  • Just turn off the fields you dont want to see.
  • Note: If you previously saved data and turn off the field, nothing is erased. It is only hidden from view.

Who Are We:
We are a new Film Hardware and App Company and your
support is important to us.

Please email us questions, bugs, or suggestions. We Listen!


Indie Film Gear: Film Hardware and Software for Filmmakers.

Logo Pic Attribution: Vintage vector designed by Freepik